Thursday, November 19, 2009

Love ya MOM.....!!!!

Mums are the most understanding people you'll find on this planet. They seem to have a sixth sense that gives them an insight into our minds. I very honestly feel that the proverbial "umbilical cord" is never ever severed on their side, even if we become oblivious to it. It can never be. So, I dedicate this post to the woman who is the source of all my strength-my MOM. You are my first love MOM!! I love you more than any other thing or anyone else in this world and will be loving you all my life. I am whatever I am because of you!

When tears are frozen in my lonely eyes,
You may not know why, but you know there are-
Feelings buried deep inside;
My dreams, daydreams and nightmares.
When I go numb and close my eyes
To reality,
You're always there-
When all those spineless "pillars of support"
Themselves turn fragile
showing helplessness in standing by my side,
You are the only one who remains firm
And tells me - "Go on child!
Your trust is priceless.
Don't place it with those
Who leave you
Alone and helpless."

When I've shed tears
You were the only one who cried.
When I had fears,
You taught me to take things in my stride
And move on.
I moved ahead.
Made "friends".
Had good times.
And soon I realised
That friends can be of help
only in good times.
They cannot read my mind-
And say it makes them weak.
They know not how I've cried
hiding my sobs in the most ubiquitous things.

You taught me -
To depend on things that truly last;
To hold on to my dreams even in the worst of times;
To listen to my conscience when the world crashes down;
That the values that diligence teaches is priceless in that it makes me stronger than most in many ways.
You made me realize
The importance of free thoughts-
And that only an unfettered mind
Can fly high above the clouds
And yet with feet firmly on ground.
I love you Mom!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Objection Overruled....!!!!!!!!!!!!

The following are some typical Indian love stories I have seen -
  1.  Boy meets girl. Talks to her. They fall in love. They are from different communities. Boy's family has no objection to love marriages as long as the groom is not their son. Girl's family has no objection to inter-community marriages as long as their daughter isn't the bridegroom. They still love each other, are independent individuals with egalitarian thoughts. 
  2. Boy talks to a girl on phone. Finds that they share similar ideals. He hasn't met her even once the but ends up falling in love with her because he ended up sharing more about himself with her than  with anybody else. They finally part ways because though with similar ideals, their expectations from life are way too different.
  3. Boy likes girl. Girl likes boy. But their liking for their dreams and ambitions is probably stronger than their liking for each other, despite their families liking each other too. So they don't express this mutual liking and single-mindedly pursue their ambitions- leaving things at the mercy of time.
  4. Boy and girl love each other. Girl's family creates trouble. They try to prolong things as far as possible, so that they are independent by the time a marriage is on the cards. Girl's family continues creating trouble persistenly. They end up eloping to get married.
 The simple thread that ties all these apparently unrelated love stories is the maturity that our generation possesses. This is a generation which, according to Chetan Bhagat , wants almost everything by the time it has attained the age of 25. It stands with its feet firmly placed on the ground. Yet, it has its dreams. This is a generation that is truly witnessing the coming of age of the independent India. So what wrong does the society or the older generation find if the youngsters today feel they are capable enough of taking their own decisions- and definitely do so with a completely open mind. They respect age and tradition, as long as these are not a burden that does not command respect.

For two responsible people who love and respect each other, and accept each other as distinctly different individuals, eloping is definitely the most abhorred and quite obviously the last option. They would prefer trying all other options that make their families love each other and each others' families as well before they resort to the last option.

India is an independent country for the last 62 years. It's high time its citizens become free-thinking individuals- because such meaningless barriers that our mind creates in the name of caste, status or religion only ends up impeding ourselves. The old should give way to the new. The new should respect  the old- for the simple reason that it would not have been new had not the old chosen to be called so. And at the same time, the old should also respect the new. This mutual respect is the foundation of any progressive society.

The youth is not here to accept things in stagnation.
They are here to be the change they believe in. And this is not a hollow election  one liner for them!

Can Somebody tell me who exactly is a "Marathi manoos"??????????

How do we exactly define who a Bengali is?
Is it someone who is able to speak Bengali,or someone capable of learning Bengali language and/or tradition ?
Is it someone who has deep respect for Bengali culture and gets absorbed in it? Or is it someone who a Bengali by birth? Worse, would it be someone(like me) who was born a Bengali but shows not much interest in following the rich cultural and traditional heritage of Bengalis?
I personally know a Bihari girl who had no particular interest in these pursuits but began loving Bengali culture-and at the same time forming a very egalitarian opinion about the pluses and minuses of the Bengali society when she spent a few years in Kolkata. And I happen to know about a guy, who does know to speak Bangla, but has learnt to read and write in the language just by reading the hoardings, advertisements and other street graffiti in Kolkata in the past three years. And not to forget ,I am a Bengali by birth, but without much interest in the typical camaraderie that Bengalis feel on meeting another person with a familiar surname- and I choose to use the "Bengali" tag only when it can be made use of for benefit. Not that I nurture any disrespect for it-I just am a bit careless and indifferent in this regard.

So, my question is still not answered. Am I a better Bengali or are my friends who love to celebrate this culture and effortlessly slip into the "mishti"  Kolkata milieu?

Let us think over some more questions.

Who is more civilized- a posh Delhiite scornfully calling an autorickshaw driver a "Bloody Bihari" or a Bihari anonymously earning his living in a distant land and keeping mum on the pretext of this "distant land" providing him his daily bread (and butter, if he is able to afford it!).

Who is a better Kashmiri- a directionless born-in-Kashmir youth who ends up in a militant camp,only to kill his brethren later on? Or is it a soldier who spent days and nights trying stop bullets and bombs from striking innocent people of the battered state?

After considering all these questions,can we categorise who is more Marathi?
Can this be answered on the basis of  birth, descent or jingoism?
Sadly, such is the state of affairs of our country that we have left the responsibility to answer this question in the hands of a few goons who manage to find themselves seated in the once-upon-a-time hallowed portals of power, only to end up flinging microphones,chappals and pieces of furniture on their compatriots for not choosing a particular language to swear the oaths to their office. Should it not be left to the individual to decide his tastes and preferences? Does the language in which the oath is uttered have any say in deciding who better serves the people?

Every individual loves to respect the set of cultural values he has grown up with. But does it imply we disrespect those with different set of values? In that case , how can we expect others to respect our values?
Its plain and simple- I don't need to be a Marathi to learn and respect Marathi culture. Nor does a Marathi need to eat "doi maachch"  or taste rossogullas in order to respect Bengalis. All that we need is to respect the simple ground reality-each individual is different. If siblings can have different tastes and preferences, why expect everyone on earth to have tastes identical to ours! If I don't like raw fish, why should I expect the Japanese to quit eating sushis? They have been loving it for ages!

So why take to street fights to resolve a problem, which has its roots in our minds!

Mr. Raj Thackeray and his followers harass North Indians on the pretext of their definition of "Marathi manoos". Can somebody please tell me what exactly is the definition of a "Marathi manoos"?
In this context, at least I beg to differ from their point of view.
In a state that faces grave issues of concern such as poverty, drought ,malnutrition, communalism and not to forget the alarming rates of suicides by farmers despite a loan waiver and a relief package by the Centre, does such hooliganism find any justification- a rational answer cannot be anything that strays from NO.

Probably the MNS itself needs a "navnirman" !

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What Girls Say.....................And what they dont !!!!

I have gotten sick of boys frustrated with heartless statements or indifferent behaviour of their female friends or their girlfriends. This does not mean that I don't understand the emotional upheaval that guys undergo- but through this post,I simply want to make sure that they circumvent all the "emosanal attyachar" and simply enjoy the mood swings that a girl shows :)

But beware!Let not the girl know you are taking her for granted because if she does,then even the Gods cannot come to your rescue.In that case all that you are left with is a sullen face and a bruised heart!

So here's how to interpret what goes inside the female mind-that is to say what she says and what she means:-

1. What she says- "I don't even bother to give a shit to you." 
    What she means-"You are much more worthy than shit,dear."2. What she says-"Go to hell!"
    What she means-"If at all you go to hell,I cannot remain peaceful even if I am in heaven."
3. What she says-"What do you think of yourself?"
    What she means-"I probably think the same of you!"
4. What she says-"I regret the day I first met you."
    What she means-"I regret each day that I didn't meet you!"
5. What she says-"How could you?????"
    What she means-"Why don't you?"
6. What she says-"Cant you think straight?"
    What she means-"Even I don't think straight."
7. What she says-"I have turned myself indifferent to you."
    What she means-"That is the last thing I can do!"
8. What she says-"I think we weren't even friends!"
    What she means-"I think friendship couldn't have been better than this!"
9. What she says-"You'd better change!"
    What she means-"I'd better leave you than see you change!"
10. What she says-"Are you nuts????"
      What she means-"I am a bigger nut!"
11. What she says-"No manners or what??"
      What she means-"Screw manners!"
12. What she says-"You are not important enough to hurt me."
      What she means-"Nobody else is more important."
13. What she says-"A sorry is gonna do no good to you."
      What she means-"But it still is the minimum basic requirement!"
14. What she says-"I can exist without you."
      What she means-"But it'll be plain jane existence :( "
15. What she says-"It wasn't friendship/love, it was madness!"
      What she means-"I'll love being called mad than come out of it!"
16. What she says-"I cannot waste my life for you."
      What she means-"Everything else is a wastage of life!"
17. What she says-"I think we should part ways."
      What she means-"DON'T EVER THINK OF DOING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Not that I always knew it happens this way, I learnt it  with time though!

Wake Me Up At Dawn...

I sleep so deep
That I miss the daybreak.
By the time I wake up-
the sun is scorching
And I feel as if
My life is up in flames..

I refuse to get up,
Hold tightly my pillow,
Turn away the timepiece
And defiantly tell the sunrays-
"STOP ransacking my room."

Let me try to dream my share of dreams-
I know not why I cant..
Until now I've lived at others' pace
But now I am on my own.

Free to dream, and daydream
I know some dreams do come true.
Why is it that you wake me up
Always with your scorching heat
Taking away my cool breeze?

WHY is it that you let me sleep
When your tenderness shows
In the pearls scattered
On the blades of grass?

Why don't you wake me up
when YOU wake up,
when you play in the cloudy cushions
which don't get burnt with heat...

...when reality is more wonderful than dreams.
When the world is new,
The air smells sweet
And flowers bloom...

When daylight is bearable
And one does not want night to come to rescue;
When I am not blinded
by your brightness as I rub my eyes open?

Is it the price I am paying
for staying up at nights,
for keeping my eyes wide open
Even as they burn with the yoke of an
Impending sleep?

Wake me up at dawn,
And not when it is already a day...