Monday, December 15, 2014

Experience Timelessness

It is believed and widely accepted- and wisely so, that experience transcends the boundaries of intellect, logic, arguments and proofs. An intellectual mind cannot experience silence as effortlessly as the stupid one. And yet, when intellect and silence meet, life blossoms like beautiful poetry. It combines playfulness and conscious action- the "keys" to tread the fine line- the middle path- between outward action and inner inaction, dynamism and peace,  sound and silence, activity and rest, rust-out and burn-out, faith and reason, sensitivity and strength, wisdom and innocence, timelessness and evolution ,worldly and divine! This is the genesis of all that mankind has accomplished so far. Every creative genius has always produced his best works from such a state of mind- where doing and being are no different. They aren't two. It is all One! This is Advaita.

This is what lies at the heart of Yog(a) ! 

This is why our traditions have always placed Intuitive Knowledge at the highest pedestal. Reaching there, to that state of mind,  through hardcore intellectual manoeuvres is not impossible, but it is the longer and more arduous path. Nevertheless, it is taken by many. And those are the tough ones, who manage to negotiate their way through the manners of the intellect. More often than not, they stick around for a longer time. Information, no matter how accurate it is, isn't valuable unless supplemented by an internalised analysis- which is what a sharp intuition signifies and simplifies. Any work of excellence and value is incomplete without an elegant touch of intuition. Imagine graphs and statistics without interpretation! Life would just be as bland without intuition.

Sanskrit shlokas, mantras and chants have such an effect. They are capable of transformational effects on the quality of our energies & consciousness. Yes,  you need to be sensitive enough to perceive & feel the interplay of energy and consciousness/awareness around you, and appreciate the diverse ways in which it manifests in the Creation. Experience speaks for itself, even in silence. 

When people are busier proving the worth or propriety of something, they miss out on the experience quite often. That is when intellect overrides intuition, instead of accompanying it. What is beautiful to you or me remains beautiful, despite naysayers. If we miss out on Sanskrit, we don't just miss out on our ancient roots. We also cut our umbilical cord from the vast storehouse of knowledge that has been accumulated by generations over millennia. Its analogous to wiping out history. Its like constructing a skyscraper on shallow foundations. And mere tokenism can do no justice to the beauty of the language and the literature that it has. People have to study the language for the love of it. We need more quality scholars, researchers and litterateurs in Sanskrit than students who just memorize it for scoring easy grades in a Third Language. If Greek and Latin deserve it, Sanskrit deserves even more.

While the leftists and rightists debate on giving Sanskrit its due, just forget that and everything else for a while and immerse yourself in these timeless verses from Adi Shankaracharya. They are as relevant for the materialist as for the spiritualist- and bring both these aspects into a perfect harmony. Ponder over these and your mind turns quiet! They transmit the experience of the universally pervading silence of oneness (Advaita). Its beauty is in its experience. Experience Timelessness.

You deserve this treat :) .

-( Ādi Śaṅkara)

मनोबुद्धयहंकार चित्तानि नाहं,
न च श्रोत्रजिव्हे न च घ्राणनेत्रे ।
न च व्योम भूमिर्न तेजो न वायुः,
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। 1 ।।

 I am not mind, nor intellect, nor ego, nor the reflections of inner self (citta). I am not the five senses. I am beyond that. I am not the ether, nor the earth, nor the fire, nor the wind (the five elements). I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

न च प्राणसंज्ञो न वै पंचवायुः,
न वा सप्तधातुः न वा पञ्चकोशः ।
न वाक्पाणिपादं न चोपस्थपायु,
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। 2 ।।

Neither can I be termed as energy (prāṇa), nor five types of breath (vāyus), nor the seven material essences, nor the five sheaths(pañca-kośa). Neither am I the five instruments of elimination, procreation, motion, grasping, or speaking. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

न मे द्वेषरागौ न मे लोभमोहौ,
मदो नैव मे नैव मात्सर्यभावः ।
न धर्मो न चार्थो न कामो न मोक्षः,
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। 3 ।।

 I have no hatred or dislike, nor affiliation or liking, nor greed, nor delusion, nor pride or haughtiness, nor feelings of envy or jealousy. I have no duty (dharma), nor any money, nor any desire (kāma), nor even liberation (mokṣa). I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

न पुण्यं न पापं न सौख्यं न दुःखं,
न मन्त्रो न तीर्थो न वेदा न यज्ञ ।
अहं भोजनं नैव भोज्यं न भोक्ता,
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। 4 ।।

 I have neither merit (virtue), nor demerit (vice). I do not commit sins or good deeds, nor have happiness or sorrow, pain or pleasure. I do not need mantras, holy places, scriptures (Vedas), rituals or sacrifices (yajñas). I am none of the triad of the observer or one who experiences, the process of observing or experiencing, or any object being observed or experienced. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

न मे मृत्युशंका न मे जातिभेदः,
पिता नैव मे नैव माता न जन्मः ।
न बन्धुर्न मित्रं गुरूर्नैव शिष्यः,
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। 5 ।।

 I do not have fear of death, as I do not have death. I have no separation from my true self, no doubt about my existence, nor have I discrimination on the basis of birth. I have no father or mother, nor did I have a birth. I am not the relative, nor the friend, nor the guru, nor the disciple. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

अहं निर्विकल्पो निराकार रूपो,
विभुत्वाच सर्वत्र सर्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ।
न चासङत नैव मुक्तिर्न मेयः,
चिदानन्दरूपः शिवोऽहम् शिवोऽहम् ।। 6 ।।

I am all pervasive. I am without any attributes, and without any form. I have neither attachment to the worldnor to liberation (mukti). I have no wishes for anything because I am everything, everywhere, every time, always in equilibrium. I am indeed, That eternal knowing and bliss, the auspicious (Śivam), love and pure consciousness.

Verses & meanings from: 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Wake Up Call to SLEEP !!!

Without beating around the bush guys, I think all of you are more than intelligent to infer, right from the title of this post, that I am unabashedly in love with the beautiful phenomena which nature has designed (and which I have a deep respect for) to refresh & recharge our entire system. Without spinning the yarn any further, let me tell you that I unequivocally am referring to  SLEEP.

I have been a night bird throughout my school and college life, and have tried all possible wierd time tables- on the pretext of "burning the midnight oil"- I've done-it-all from staying awake all night solving calculus, HCV & Permutations & combinations to sleeping from evening to afternoon (next day :P) during the holidays as a part of the "exam hangover" in the more carefree post-school period of life. To my best abilities, I have pushed my circadian rhythm to insane extremes, trying to convince myself that there is nothing really superhuman !! That its all within human limits ..!!!

BUT, in the last few years, I have, through trials, errors & experiences-good & bad, realised that SLEEP- a good, refreshing sleep- has become one of the most under-rated things in today's scenario- especially in the context of so called mad rush of climbing the so-called "career ladders". You can read more about that here or here.
Ooops!! I almost forgot that you need to even forego those eight priceless hours to convince your girlfriend/boyfriend that you love her/him, without  even giving a second thought to the fact that had your partner actually cared about how much you can actually  love them, had you woken up fresh. I wish your partner actually understood that the love conveyed by a fresh smile on your face cannot be matched by the countless hours spent in convincing (and NOT) loving you !

The problem with most of us is that only rarely (because of our bad lifestyle habits) have we NOT been sleep deprived, which means that we have never experienced the efficiency of a fully rested mind- which, unfortunately implies that we are trapped in a vicious circle.

We take sleep so much for granted that we have almost forgotten the age old wisdom which says that the purpose of any kind of work is to lead us to a state of rest and perfect stillness of mind. Needless to say that when Ratan Tata himself admits that the only purpose of his running the entire TATA group is to experience a peaceful sleep at night.

So for all those who still go by the myth that Management is about sleepless nights and "jaagarans"  full of  jargons (this alliteration is both inspired & purposeful), please read here about the Competitive advantage that a "good night" sleep brings to the Manager in you.
And it not only makes you a better manager, it makes you a better friend, partner, colleague, parent and a better and more aware citizen & human being.
Not forgetting to mention what Harsha Bhogle,one of my favourite speakers, says -" What takes people ahead is their attitude, work ethic and how much aware they are of themselves."
And lets not forget, a proper sleep is critical to your awareness at all times!

P.S.- This post has been written by me after a long unwanted spell of sleep deprivation that I have been experiencing in the last few weeks (and have been so far unsuccessful, but will soon succeed in countering) and reminds me of my Mom :) and her lullaby. It also reminds me of a friend who gave me one of the best formulae of a perfect sleep- a clear mind and a sufficiently tired body when we go to bed.

Good Night :)  and sweet dreams :)!!!
Sleep well :)

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


SO…. I am finally getting back to my blog after a really long hiatus of more than two and a half years!!!!
And this period has really kind of made me spin like a whirlwind, and has actually made me doing way too many things that I had always wanted to, but somehow was unable to figure out how & why. But something happened, and yes indeed, it is the reason behind me actually being much more active in the REAL world, rather than become a couch potato or a cyber stalker. And that explains my long absence from this blog. This “something” has actually got me do things by actually doing them and has gotten me  closer to myself than I have ever been, keeping we in wonder throughout and at the same time preventing me , in the words of Harsha Bhogle, from becoming a “lover” of life without  of course the “eccentricities of a romantic”…. And hence I changed the name of my blog to “be by being
Its something so subtle that it leaves me in a renewed sense of awe every single moment- something I must confess I feel deeply inadequate to describe, while at the same time, it makes me feel complete in every sense ! Such contradictory knowledge!!!  Its nothing but pure unadulterated love and grace that has encompassed me – and changed me from a person with stubborn , restless & rebellious exterior hungry for affection and adulation, to a kid who knows that she is loved unconditionally….aahh !! Its so blissful J !!!
And I am choosing my words here very carefully, because as you see, words are so inadequate.
All I can feel is goosebumps of gratefulness- GRATITUDE, for just being able to realize that I am blessed to be on this path…of depth yet playfulness, of responsibility and surrender, of solitude and togetherness, of celebration and silence.
Thank you G!!! This silent bliss has permeated into every aspect of my life and has added so much beauty and colour to it that I feel it is the most precious gift to me , something I was yearning for for countless lifetimes..
Thank you Akhilesh Bhaiya, Shashi Di & Tushar ….(basically, the list goes on) J...
@ Akhilesh Bhaiya- You ushered into my life when I was struggling and badly confused & directionless, and left me with discovering greater knowledge, strength and beauty that goes on increasing every single moment. Although I have not spent a lot of time with you, whatever little time has come my way in the form of the grace of your presence (which is timeless J like G himself) , I feel blessed by it… Lucky to have you as a mentor J
For everyone reading this, I would recommend to taste this celebration of silence… Nothing else will do- nothing else matters as much as this rule of life which is “to do by doing and be by being…”

Am I clear? Or, are you confused ;) ?
Here’s a clue-                                                                                                                                            

“Some questions can be answered only in Silence. Silence is the goal of all answers. If an answer does not silence the mind it is "no" answer.
Thoughts are not the goal in themselves. Their goal is Silence. When you ask the question "Who am I?" you get no answer, there is silence. That is the real answer. For your soul is solidified silence. This solidified silence is wisdom, is knowledge.
The easy way to silence the thoughts is to arouse the feelings. For through feelings only peace, joy and love dawn. And they are all your very nature.
To the question "Who am I?" the only relevant answer is silence. You need to discard all answers in words, including "I am Nothing" or "I am the Cosmic Self" or "I am the Self" - and just stick to the question "Who am I?". All other answers are just thoughts. Thoughts can never be complete. Only Silence is complete.”

P. S. : For those left  mystified, as I sign off for now , let there be some mystery … J