Saturday, November 24, 2018

Spirituality for Dummies 2: The Tangible Benefits of Meditation

The benefits of meditation/yoga can be so subtle and deeply ingrained that it often blurs the line between realistic/tangible and psychological/metaphysical.

In this post, I'll try to address the realm of tangible, clearly noticeable impacts of meditation. The psychological and other subtler aspects are reserved for a later post.

These are my personal experiences as a result of regular yoga, pranayama & meditation. Hence, the list of benefits is not limited to only these.

  1. Quality sleep- I have been a night owl for at least the last 18 years of my life. When I began my professional life 8 years ago, I realised I had ruined my sleep cycles with late night study/chart/calls/timepass. I was forever tired and could see my energy levels going haywire throughout the day. Despite being tired always, I would never fall asleep when I hit the bed at night. As a result, the mind would keep attracting only negative and depressive thoughts when I was trying hard to sleep. Dreams were a frequent thing. Ever since I have been meditating, my sleep has become extremely deep that I sometimes wonder when I realize that I have nearly stopped dreaming. It hardly takes me more than a few minutes to fall asleep compared to my former self who used to toss and turn in the bed for hours waiting to sleep.
  2. I've stopped overeating:   All my old friends and family will agree to at least one thing about me. That I love good food and can stuff my food pipe up to the throat (:P) if I find something worth it. Before I started meditation, overeating was natural. I didn't know when to stop if I saw a box of sweets or was at a party. Now, no matter how good the food, I simply cannot eat beyond a point. My portion size has dramatically reduced and so has my problem with indigestion. I don't remember the last time I had indigestion, hardly 1-2 times in the past 7 1/2 years!
  3. Morning to evening energy levels: When we wake up in the morning, usually we are fresh until we reach the class/office. Then the lectures/meetings happen and soon after, we feel the need to drown ourselves in endless cups of tea/coffee/nicotine. By the time we reach home, we can hardly think of anything let alone do something productive. Ever since I have been meditating regularly, my energy levels have become so steady that I don't feel the need for any stimulants. And, even after a long day, I often look forward to so many things to do- reading my newspaper, yoga, gym, reading books, cooking, trying to develop new interests. This wasn't possibly at all for my former self. Hence, I don't feel too much need to bitch about life too offload the stress. It is only because of this energy that I have been able to make some more demanding career decisions and/to nurture my interests. Earlier, the energy followed a sinusoidal curve and I had plenty of mood swings. Now it is much more steady and balanced.
  4. I look younger: I have lost count of people who confuse me for someone at least 7-8 years younger than my age. Meditation releases antioxidants in the system that reversed physical ageing and also keeps the brain young and heart youthful. I have had a school kid asking me which class I study in. I have had aunties thinking I'm too young to get married πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ˜† until I told them my actual age. My gym trainer couldn't believe when he saw my age on the form😬. 
I'll cover more tangible benefits in the upcoming posts.